Haiyan Kangyuan Medical Instrument CO., Ltd.

Kangyuan Medical Shines 90. CMEF -lääketieteellisessä näyttelyssä

On October 12, 2024, the 90th China International Medical Equipment Fair (CMEF) grandly opened in Shenzhen World Exhibition and Convention Center. Tämä näyttely houkutteli lääketieteellisen tekniikan eliittiä ympäri maailmaa keskustelemaan ja näyttämään uusimmasta lääketieteellisestä tekniikasta ja tuotteista. Haiyan Kangyuan Medical Instrument Co., Ltd., as an exhibitor, with its self-developed full series of urinary system, anesthesia respiratory, gastrointestinal medical consumables products appeared in CMEF exhibition, becoming a major highlight at the exhibition site.


Kangyuan Medical displayed its rich product line at this exhibition, including 2 Way Silicone Foley Catheter, 3 Way Silicone Foley Catheter, Silicone Foley Catheter with Temperature Probe, Painless silicone urinary catheter, Suprapubic Catheter (nephrostomy tubes), Suction-Evacuation Access Sheath, Laryngeal Mask Airways, Endotracheal Tubes, Suction Catheters, Breathing Filter, Anesthesia Masks, Oxygen Masks, Nebulizer Masks, Negative Pressure Drainage Kits, Silicone Stomach Tubes, PVC Stomach Tubes, Feeding Tubes, etc. These products are not only highly innovative and practical, but heijastavat myös täysin Kangyuan Medicalin voimakasta vahvuutta ja ammattitaitoa lääketieteellisten tarvikkeiden alalla.

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Viestin aika: lokakuu-14-2024